Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mighty Monday!


Possessing great and impressive power or strength.

Let's call Monday's, Mighty Monday. Yeah? Mondays are my weigh in days, and each day im becoming stronger and better.

Heres the run down:
Jan. 2012- 198.8 lbs (my heaviest weight)
May 2012- 179.5 lbs (19 lbs lost)
I gained 9-10 of that back

My new 'start' weight:
Jan. 14th  2013- 189.7
6 weeks later
Feb. 25th 2013- 181.2
Current total loss: 17.6 lbs!

My goal is to have another 22-23 lbs lost by my birthday in May. For a total of 40 pounds.
Then its IUI or another 20-25 lbs. We'll cross that bridge once we get there baha. ;)
This has never felt so real! I'm extremely excited! YAY!
It feels nice writing it down.


Mike has been working, his first day of work the assnt manager said he was really impressed with him. There were actually 8 applicants, two adults with higher education, and Mike was the only one who handed in a resume. It was like an instant hirer! In august the assnt manager was  basically running the store, taking on 80 hours a week! Oh how things work, Mike saw that the store was hiring then, but didn't really see it as an option.
Lesson learned.
Take opportunities before they smack you in the face ;D
Im so proud of him, he is such a hard worker.

On another note we're making more friends, we had dinner with an awesome couple around our age and played games. After almost 7 months of living in MN, I feel like things are all falling into place.

p.s. lets just pretend its Monday, even though its wednesday ;) the days meld together after awhile! I've been mixed up all week.

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