Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Breezy point 2013

Look at this pretty little gem I found while doing some "spring cleaning" to my post rejects. This one was abandoned and sent to the "drafted" section.

Sorry reunion post, I hope you can forgive my momentary rejection and forgetfulness. Maybe this year ill be more diligent! 
Sadly this years reunion will be missing a few key characters to the Woodward story. I'm already missing them, so it's a perfect time to reminisce! But, be warned my blog reading friends, all you're getting out of this post... are pictures!
Beautiful Breezy Point
This is where some of our beach games took place!
Slice o' heaven
Mike and I are always lucky enough to have our own slice of silent heaven while on vacation. 

Throughout the week each brother (theres 6 of them) takes a night to provide dinner for all of us (ALL 16+ eaters) I say "eaters" because some of the kids don't eat "big kid" food, yet! (FYI- There are 20 of us total as of now)

We made breakfast for dinner

Happy Birthday!

We had the privilege to make dinner on Joseph's birthday, so I made him a carrot cake with my makeshift stick banner haha, It was tasty and turned out pretty cute under the circumstances of limited resources!

Pre Breezy Point moment that can't be forgotten!

Adam may very well kill me if he ever finds out I posted this... I dont think he reads the blog, so we're good! We were sitting at the table and decided to draw pictures of each other, it looks JUST like him huh?

I could NOT stop laughing, he did awesome!

Ok, no more distractions.. It's boating time!

We had to rent two.


I wouldn't say it was particularly warm! 
Granted.. we still jumped in the water and swam between the boats.

Family Shirts!

Playing games and having fun can make you sleepy!

I'm pretty sure this was after our, what? 5th win?
Adam and Brent

I love when she smiles!

This is how the boys exercise.. baby squats!

Joseph and Sawyer

Steve and Lane

Row row row your boat!

I must say my parents (in-law) raised amazing men, they're such wonderful uncles, fathers and brothers. 

Goin' Fishin'

Pure joy right here!
Good job Brent and Daxton!

Why yes.. theres a video where Craig cleaned the fish and cooked it up!

Meet Superman...
 He tried diligently to push the car and i'll be honest, I felt the car shift a little.

Some people say couples shouldn't be on the same team when playing sports... pfft. We're the best team created!

Maybe one day i'll post some of the golfing videos... cause they're pretty stinking hilarious!

Well there ya have it folks, the reunion post from last year.
2014 Woodward reunion to come in just 2.5 months!
2014 reunion blog post?.. Hopefully before 2015 ;)

Friday, May 2, 2014

We Did WHAT?!

Yes you guys.. we did it. Did we think the first one we saw would end up being ours? No Ma'am. Did we think it'd all happen in just 2 days? Ha! Nope. Was I aware my birthday present would cost so much? Pfft, I was not.

Now lets get to it, what did you we do? Maybe you've guessed it already. So I suppose ill just spit it out... WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!

Tada! It captured our hearts instantly!

It's wonderful and quirky. It was born in 1949. One and a half stories with an unfinished basement. 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths! The inspection is on Monday, I suspect it will go smoothly. *crosses fingers* Then we close on May 29th... the day before my birthday :D It's scary and exciting all rolled together. It will be the ultimate adventure.

Beautiful hardwood floors and the kitchen. 

When we moved back to Minnesota (going on two years ago) buying a home was on the top of our Bucket list. We started praying that despite our lack of luck in growing more roots to our family tree that when the time was right to plant our already existing roots that it would come smoothly and that He would be involved through out the whole process. 

My favorite view of the inside of the home!

Of course there are doubts, will we be safe here? Can we really afford all of the things we want to do with the home? Lets replace the word doubt with wonderings. I know my Heavenly Father is watching over us, so there is no room for doubts, when He's in charge. 

I think we'll need a lawn mower!

We're planting roots people, with shaky fingers but faithful hearts. In less than 4 weeks (and every day until then) our lives will be forever changed!